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Шукаєш подобові помешкання у Нікополі? Тоді ця інформація для тебе
Шукаєш подобові помешкання у Нікополі? Тоді ця інформація для тебе
Нікополь 2020-01-04 14:28:27
Джерела фінансування у NikopolToday відкриті. Ми працюємо за рахунок реклами, яку ми отримуємо від Вас!Ми співпрацюємо з рекламодавцями для досягнення результати і завжди створюємо стильну рекламу для вашого бізнесу.Якщо ти шукаєш добові пропозиції з оренди житла у Нікополі? Це добра пропозиція для тебе!Кращій вибір ошатних апартаментів у Нікополі для коротко-строкової оренди.Щоб перевірити наявність житла або забронювати помешкання, дзвоніть за номером:+380-66-918-00-17 (Агент Тетяна)Всі подробиці, що стосуютьсся оренди житла у Нікополі запитайте в агента. Оренда житла у Нікополі - це просто!Варто зазначити, що Нікополь - це місто у Дніпровській області, яке надзвичайно швидко розвивається і все більше привертає увагу бізнесу та туристів через свій історичний, культурний і економіний потенціал.Відкрий для себе Нікополь і обери добову оселю у Нікополі, щоб провести свій час у комфортних умовах.Також, з приводу розміщення Вашої реклами на сайті NikopolToday та у соціальних мережах звертайтесь на нашу електронну пошту [email protected] або дзвоніть за номером 0975768624Раніше ми писали як створити найкраще тістечко для родини і здивувати їх новим рецептом!
Що знають про Нікополь в Україні?
Що знають про Нікополь в Україні?
Нікополь 2020-01-06 21:06:21
Ми у NikopolToday відмінно знаємо і пишаємося тим, що на наших землях колись будували свої кургани скіфи і було п'ять Запорозьких Січей! Але Нікополь - це щось значно більше для тих, хто тут народився... А ще в ХХ столітті ми стали передовиками трубної і феросплавних промисловостей. Згодні? Кожен нікополець може справді багато розповісти про особливості міста, його історію, здобутки та невдачі. Чи не так? Але що знають про наше місто ті, хто тут не був або був проїздом? Про це повідомляє редакція Нікополь.City, яка розпитала людей з різних міст, що вони чули про наше місто.Кирило Крізаліс, блогер, Кривий РігНікополь? Це місто козацької слави. Тільки від цих великих предків лише тіні залишилися, та й годі. Зараз Нікополь - анклав злочинності, брехні і фальші. А нікопольці з нащадків гордих козаків стали рабами своїх страхів. Це місто, в якому відмовилися від загального опалення, але так нічого і не виграли.Ірина Іваськів, керівник школи копірайтингу, Кам'янськеЩо я знаю про Нікополі? Довгий час я чомусь плутала назви двох міст - Нікополь і Маріуполь. Сьогодні я розумію, що це два абсолютно різних міста, але тоді в юності мені здавалося, що це один і той же населений пункт.Врізалося в пам'ять, як на автовокзалі в Дніпрі водії з одного боку голосно закликали: Нікополь! Нікополь! А з іншого боку - Маріуполь! Маріуполь!Пізніше дізналася про те, що Нікополь - один з найстаріших (а може, і найстаріше) місто в Дніпровській області. Почула також про знамениту Золоту Пектораь. А ще, проїжджаючи через Харківську область, натрапила якось на покажчик: село Нікополь. Знайомі мої, які переїхали з П'ятигорська жити в Москву, оселилися на вулиці Нікопольській.Ось і всі мої «пізнання» про Нікополі. Через всі ці асоціації я Нікополь так собі і уявляю: старим, з сільськими околицями, з донецьким присмаком. А чи так це, не знаю.Сергій Боцвін, офісний працівник, ЗапоріжжяПерш за все, мої знання про Нікополі зіпсовані по істфаку - місто з козацькою історією, центр махновської Республіки в свій час, ну і бої під час Другої світової в 1944 році. З козацьких і царських часів ніби як збереглися частини всяких тунелів і льохів.Якщо ж про сучасний Нікополі, то це для мене останнє більш-менш велике місто перед Кривим Рогом. Наскільки знаю, в Нікополі жахливі дороги, але в Україні це не рідкість. Чув, у вас є вулиця "Електрометалургів" десь біля вокзалу. Не знаю, правда чи ні, але якщо так - то це прикольно, оригінальна назва.Відомих людей з Нікополя я не пригадаю, як і якихось позитивних новин. Виходячи з того, що я чув про Нікополі зі ЗМІ та від інших людей, місто сприймається як звичайна периферія, до якої іншої країні за великим рахунком немає діла, і в якому немає господаря. Не в плані контролю нерухомості і т.д., а в плані наведення порядку, ремонту інфраструктури, розвитку міста в цілому. Таке собі Запоріжжя в мініатюрі - є великий завод, який працює "на останньому диханні", раздолбанє всьо і вся, і люди, які і хотіли б щось змінити, але не можуть.Тимур Куртумеров, журналіст, СімферопольЗнаю, що це місто в Дніпровській області, якщо не помиляюся - поруч Каховське водосховище. Точно пам'ятаю по урокам географії в школі, що в Нікополі багато заводів - феросплавів, Трубосталь ніби. Загалом, промислове місто. Асоціації - судячи з усього населення тут працьовите. Щось мені здається, що в назві міста явно щось пов'язане з перемогою (від богині Ніки).Наталія Зозуля, керівник прес-служби в «ЗооКонтроль Україна», ХарківПро Нікополь знаю небагато. Каховське водосховище з боку Дніпровської області, промислове містечко. Знаю, що у вас немає централізованого опалення. Якось в поїзді розповідала жителька міста, що у вас найдорожча холодна вода в Україні. Так це чи ні, не знаю. Про культурне життя, відомих нікопольчанами (або нікопольців - як правильно?) Нічого не чула. Постараюся виправити своє невігластво в новому році.Ярослава Дегтяренко, письменниця, ЗапоріжжяНікополь - місце Микитинської Запорозької Січі, що існувала в 1638-1652 роках і заснованої Федором Люта. Ще біля сучасного Нікополя був Микитин Ріг - переправа через Дніпро, яку контролювали низові козаки і де у них довгий час була митниця. Зараз ці місця затоплені Каховським водосховищем.Фото Нікополь.CityРаніше ми писали як перетворити своє хобі на успішний бізнес.Також ми повідомляли про останній футбольний матч у Нікополі. 
Яким було місто Нікополь 10 років тому: фотоекскурсія
Яким було місто Нікополь 10 років тому: фотоекскурсія
Нікополь 2020-01-09 21:22:34
Час плине непомітно. Часто ми не помічаємо змін, які насправді відбуваються постійно. Варто обертатись назад, щоб зобачити як все ж таки змінилось рідне місто.День за днем, годиною та хвилиною - Нікополь змінюється. Як місто Нікополь змінилось до невпізнанності за 10 років від NikopolToday у фотоекскурсії з нотатками від блогера з Нікополя. Текст трьома мовами, без змін.| -History of the City- |Present to you: my photographs."LAST'o'pad" - The photos which have been removed by me in October, on the verge of emotions in suicide detachment from the real world.Here's what a majority of the streets of my city. Approximately two thirds of the city. But vstrechayutsya and beautiful buildings. Here's how one House of GDK...Ось так виглядає більшість вулиць мого міста. Приблизно 2/3 всього міста. Але зустрічаються і красиві будівлі. Ось як отой Будинок Творчості ГДК...It looks like a typical beach bay of my city. Spit Stone, sand, beautiful sky and the light casting a beacon... Sky and sand...Осенью уже никого на пляже нет. Только голые деревья и тихий приглушенный ветром шум волн...Так виглядає типовий пляжниа затока мого міста. Кам'яна коса, пісок, красиве небо і дає світло маяк... Небо і пісок...Perhaps the only two things can be identified in our beautiful city. This is an incredible picture of the sky, sunsets and sunrises. And mirror the broad expanse of water of the river Dnipro.Пожалуй, единственные две вещи можно выделить прекрасных в нашем городе. Это невероятные картины неба, закаты и рассветы. И зеркальная широкая гладь воды реки Днепр.Мабуть, єдині дві речі можна виділити прекрасних у нашому місті. Це неймовірні картини неба, захід сонця і світанки. І дзеркальна широка гладь води річки Дніпро....Над водами широкими часто літають чайки й інщі птиці, а подеколи, можна побачити, а може і почути як дає свій сигнал повільнйи паром...Коли чайки втомлюються, вони сідають на чисту воду і плавають одна біля одної, тихо перегукуючись між собою.А коли вони хочуть істи, вони злітають у гору, і побачивши рибку, ниряють у воду, виринаючи вже з сріблястою здобиччю у клюві. А якщо терпіти людей вони вже невзмозі, вони летять на віддалені буї, де їм ніхто не буде заважати...Here is a brand new bike. Some crazy burned it in his own pleasure, or maybe the joy... My eyes saw only the remains of the ashes on the sand and the skeleton of the spokes...А вот совсем новый велосипед. Какой-то сумасшедший спалил его в свой ужас, или, быть может в радость... Мои глаза видели только его остатки, пепел на песке и скелет спиц...Significant place for the city, there is a gun. It is in this place, in 1944, Allied troops had returned to Nicopolis, and rescued him from the German attackers.Знаменательным местом для города, есть Пушка. Именно в этом месте, в 1944 году, союзные войска вернулись в Никополь и спасли его от немецких нападающих.This dam, protect the town from the millions of tons of water Kahovsky sea.А это дамба, оберегающая город от миллионов тонн воды Каховского моря.  А це дамба, що оберігає місто від мільйонів тонн води Каховського моря.But there will always be in a secluded place for couples. Especially in spring and autumn, when the beaches are empty and forgetting people...Осенью все дороги шуршат от листьев. Землю покрывает настоящий золотой ковер. Але в місті завжди знайдеться відокремлене місце для двох. Особливо навесні і восени, коли пляжі порожні і забуття людьми...The inscription on the brick wall.                   "The Forge" Cute is not it?And so while away their days. I looked at his feet and saw-leaf heart. Perhaps it is my heart got lost? Or maybe it's your heart flew here from afar? It may be...Вот так и коротаю свои дни. Смотрю под ноги и вижу листочек-сердце. Быть может это моё сердце потерялось? Или возможно это ваше сердце залетело сюда издалека? Быть может... Ось так і коротав свої дні. Дивлюся під ноги і бачу листочок-серце. Можливо це моє серце загубилося? Або можливо це ваше серце залетіло сюди здалеку? Все може бути...Але іноді, навіть птахи бувають самотні. Ця чайка сиділа сама, як і я в той день. Вона слухала сплески хвиль, а я слухав музику, що лилася з мого телефону...But sometimes, even the birds are alone. This gull was sitting myself as I am that day. She listened to the waves, spikes, and I heard music coming from my phone...And this - Bogdan Khmelnitsky Square. It is from this place and began the liberation movement against Moscow's invasion of the Cossacks. It is from this street and started our city. This place is called the "old part" because the trade has long moved to the upper part of the city, away from the water...А це - Площа Богдана Хмельницького. Саме з цього місця і починалося визвольний рух козаків проти Московської навали. Саме з цієї вулиці й починалося наше місто. Це місце називають "старою частиною", так як торгівля вже давно перемістилася в верхню частину міста, в далечінь від води...Старий Центральний ринок кілька десятиліть тому - був головною торговельною точкою міста. Тут відбувалися більшість покупок і пропонувався великий вибір свіжих продуктів: овочів, фруктів, риби, м'яса, молочних продуктів і "дефіцитних" смачних делікатесів. У ті часи, звідусіль їхали в Нікополь, щоб зробити покупки. Але зараз, будівля ледве держиться, щоб не впасти додолу.    Old Central Market a few decades ago - was a major trading point of the city. Here, the majority of purchases were made, and offered a large selection of fresh foods: vegetables, fruits, fish, meat, dairy products, and "scarce" delicious delicacies. In those days, traveling from anywhere in the Nikopol, to make a purchase. But now, the building is barely kept in order not to crash down to earth...The old museum building and barely breathing. This building was a-beautiful. It seemed asks: will restore me, I'll be happy tourists!Старое музейное здание также еле дышит. Это здание было-бы прекрасным. Оно словно просит: отреставрируйте меня, я буду радовать туристов!Но власть не слышит, и не удивительно.Near a small park, is situated a beautiful home. They have nothing to do with the Soviet boxes, which now lives most of the population of the city. No, they are elegant and inspirational. Large windows on the first floor are designed for buyers. In those buildings and stay hotel "Rodina"...Біля невеликого скверу, розташувалися гарні будинки. Вони не мають нічого спільного з тими Радянськими коробками, в яких зараз живе велика частина населення міста. Ні, вони шикарні і пафосні. Великі вітрини на перших поверхах створені для покупців. У тих же будівлях і знаходитися готель "Батьківщина"...Зверху, - старий будинок пошти. Її незвичайний купол з маленькими віконцями казковими виділяє цю будівлю серед оточуючих його Радянських коробок.Above - the old the post office. Its unusual canopy with small windows fabulous highlights of the building surrounding the Soviet boxes.At Victory Park, stands a well-known obelisk and eternal flame.Next to him are "triumphant arch" ...У Парку Перемоги, височіє всім відомий обеліск і горить вічний вогонь.Далі за ним розташовуються "переможні арки"...As in all Ukrainian cities, we too have abandoned buildings. Abandoned building at an abandoned rest home, and once there was a resort...Як і у всіх українських містах, у нас теж є занедбані будівлі. Занедбаний будинок в занедбаному Будинку відпочинку, а колись тут був курорт...And it is virtually deserted wilderness of our great park. How would it piece by piece is not restored, former beauty - never to return. Now in his lawns graze goats tied to trees, and fountains in the empty spoiled - only broken glass...And the old furniture, has become a favorite place for spending and local youth hangouts, and at night - drug addicts and homeless people...Sun sunset.Ну що ще сказати?The End-P. S. Історія міста - історія країни...Фотоекскурсія під назвою | -History of the City- | була розміщені у блозі "Тут І Зараз" від Rayan RienerРаніше ми писали як Австралю охопила екологічна катастрофа: стихія змусила найвідомих людей Світу втрутитись і виділити шалені гроші на порятунок континенту.До цього ми відкривали вікно в Америку, у ексклюзивній розповіді від бізнес-ковбоя з Техасу про вечори в Остіні.
"Today goats... and goats" ( Сегодня козы и козлы ) | back to the Future
Нікополь 2020-04-29 17:14:29
Today - controversial.   Started well. I went with a friend shopping. Before that, went through the park to the place of the meeting. Goats graze in the park...     Yes! It is a goat. And this is Nikopol - European city??!      I'm a little late, because the time spent on photography...       But ... They bought things and went home happy.      As soon as I saw the beautiful sky, depicts him immediately.     This is wonderful sky and those stupid people under him.    But... At the end of the day, when I was walking along the beach. Gopnik landed. Began to call. To mock... Humiliate and threaten. Dukes. All spoiled the mood. I came home totally frustrated...    2012
Підтримай Свободу слова та Українізацію
Підтримай Свободу слова та Українізацію
Україна 2022-07-03 13:12:52
NikopolToday та DniproToday - це незалежні медіа-портали, які не є ЗМІ. Ми підтримуємо свободу слова, права людини, тварин, блогерів, важливість екологічних реформ і також українізацію та культуру. Ми не є розповсюджувачами жодної ідеології, політичної ідеї або релігійної течії. Кожен має право на волю думок та різноманітність. Гроші, які ми отримуємо від реклами - йдуть на функціонування сайтів. Оплату доменів та хостингу.  Проєктом займаються активісти та волонтери. Нас не фінансують олігархи, політики, бізнес чи інші зацікавлені особи. Тому якщо Вам подобається наша візія і Ви хочете допомогти у розвитку - будемо раді вашій дотації. Посилання на Банку: https://send.monobank.ua/jar/47W9Qm75Vz Прямий благодійний внесок на картку Банки: 5375 4112 0211 5585
Нікополь 2022-07-25 19:58:29
Prepare your suitcases, residents of every country in Europe. Every Russian rocket that is sent from the oculated city of #Energodar towards the city of Nikopol.This may be the last rocket. ZNPP is the largest and most powerful nuclear power plant in Europe.It is 10 times more powerful than #Chernobyl. Only one rocket, which the Russian invaders launch directly from the nuclear power plant towards the city of #Nikopol, can destroy life on the entire European continent.Google to the rescue if you do not understand what Chernobyl multiplied by 10 is. This is the end of Europe. No one in the EU has the power to “shut down the nuclear power plant” if an accident occurs.Radiation will cover all of Europe and Central Asia. The entire planet Earth will have to use all its resources to try to stop the radiation for many years, but it will be too late.#SaveNikopol - Save Europe! ! !
Світові та українські медіа щодня розповідають правду про Нікополь!
Світові та українські медіа щодня розповідають правду про Нікополь!
Нікополь 2022-08-13 14:55:31
Ситуація у Нікополі критична і світ звернув увагу на заклики нікопольців #SaveNikopol. Військова агресія росії із перших днів стала темою №1 у світових  медіа. У різних регіонах України зараз перебувають журналісти з усіх куточків світу. На жаль, вже майже місяць, через регулярні обстріли армії окупантів, Нікополь також став містом, куди приїжджають репортери, щоб показати, що коїть російська армія. Щоночі терористи обстрілюють мирні Нікополь та Марганець. Важливо й те, що окупанти, які знаходяться по той бік Каховського водосховища, несуть загрозу всьому світу, оскільки своїм перебуванням там і провокаціями порушують ядерну безпеку.Світ дізнається, що рашисти роблять із мирним НікополемВ таких умовах наша зброя – правда, яку ми маємо донести до світової цивілізованої спільноти, щоб вони осягнули наскільки злочинним та небезпечними є дії окупантів. Лише за останній  тиждень у Нікополі побували газетярі та телевізійники  з Німеччини, Англії, Італії, Туреччини, Франції, Голландії та Австрії. Сюжети про наше місто виходили на всеукраїнських телеканалах: СТБ, Інтері, ICTV та 11 каналі.Міський голова Олександр Саюк, секретар міськради Іван Базилюк та керуючий справами виконкому Наталя Горболіс щоденно спілкуються з кореспондентами, щоб ті могли розповісти у своїх країнах правду, яку намагаються приховати російські окупанти. Місця обстрілів красномовніші за російську пропаганду. Репортери на власні очі бачать, що в місті страждає лише мирне населення та цивільна інфраструктураНікополь - старовинне місто, якому є що втрачатиЖурналісти показують своїм глядачам руйнування,  яких завдає російська армія, людей, які щоденно страждають від обстрілів та іншу правду війни. Звертають увагу міжнародної спільноти на події в Нікополі, і нагадують усім, що війна ще не закінчилася.Ми вдячні усім журналістам, які попри небезпеку приїжджають до нашого міста, щоб показати, як зараз змушені жити мешканці Нікополя, які щоночі ховаються у підвалах та сховищах, щоб врятувати своє життя! Закликаємо ще більше поширювати цю інформацію, щоб світ бачив, як калічать людські долі, руйнують будинки та школи, лікарні та підприємства. Разом до Перемоги! - звертаються до громадськості у Міськраді. Журналісти з усього світу їдуть до Нікополя, щоб зафіксувати російські злодіянняВідзначимо, що в Нікополі відбуваються похорони чи не щодня через терористичну російську агресію. Всі факти військових злочинів росіян фіксуютьсяДжерело Нікопольска міська рада
Night shelling does not stop in Nikopol: Oleksandr Sayuk recorded the morning address - EN
Night shelling does not stop in Nikopol: Oleksandr Sayuk recorded the morning address - EN
Нікополь 2022-08-15 12:27:42
Russian terror of the civilian population. The shelling was repeated again at night. On August 14, the enemy fired 20 shells from barrel artillery at Nikopol. This became known from the operational Telegram channel of Nikopol.As a result of shelling, 9 high-rise buildings, 8 private houses, a school, and several shops were damaged. There are no previous victims.The Russians also fired at Marganets from the "Hrad", one man was wounded, and more than 10 private houses were damaged."All relevant services are working on the spot, we are helping the people of Nikopol to eliminate the consequences of the shelling. All infrastructure, utility companies of the city are working. I would like to remind you that there is a call center that victims of shelling can contact if they need help from the city:0800 504 105 - around the clock;056 669 60 61 (from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.);056 669 60 64 (from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.).It should be understood that there may be more applications than we can process for the current day. Therefore, please be understanding if the helper does not arrive on the day of application. If possible, help other people, neighbors.Let's hold on, we are together! Everything will be Ukraine!" - added the mayor.We remind you that shelling of Nikopol and Marganets takes place every day from the side of the Russian-occupied NPP in Energodar.From Informator
Residents of Marganets wrote a letter to Reznichenko - EN
Residents of Marganets wrote a letter to Reznichenko - EN
Нікопольський район 2022-08-15 16:47:13
Residents of city Marganets are in despair and sounding the alarm. They are writing an open letter to the head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration Valentin Reznichenko and to all authorized officials who are able to help. The city, which has been repeatedly shelled, still has not acquired the status of a zone of active hostilities. Locals published an open letter on Facebook.Manganets is still not included in the list of communities where active hostilities are taking place. The city management does not want to deal with this issue, locals write. They repeatedly appealed to the authorities with such a request, but all in vain:"There are people whose homes have been destroyed and they cannot stay there. These people are trying to raise any funds for living in their own city on their own."The city leadership has never taken the initiative to evacuate vulnerable population groups, there is no interaction at the "government-community-citizen" level. Reactions to events occur after the fact.Help is being provided to the victims, but people need more protection of life, not covering windows, and for this it is necessary to organize an evacuation while the threat of shelling remains, the locals write in the appeal.There are many elderly people in Marganets, there are families with many children who simply hide in basements at night, because there is no shelter in the city. These people do not have enough funds to leave the city. So people write the following in their appeal to Reznichenko:"We are turning to you, dear Valentin Mykhailovych, with a request:1. Contribute to granting the Marganets community the status of a zone of active hostilities.2. To help organize evacuation transport for low-income people.3. To provide them with places of temporary stay with the provision of everything necessary (this experience is already gained by volunteers).4. To pay attention to supporting the work of the communal and social infrastructure of the city for residents staying in Marganka and to do it in the shortest possible time.5. Create a "hotline" where people could contact with such requests, directly in the regional administration.6. Allocate sufficient funds for assistance and payments to people who have been left without housing.7. Provide assistance in providing medicines and first aid to the city hospital (by the way, it was also affected).Since the beginning of the shelling of our bank of the Dnipro, there have been 5 shellings on the territory of the Marganets community (outside the city) in a month without significant damage. The city of Marganets itself was shelled 6 times (at night on 27.07, 1.08, 7.08, 10.08, 12.08, 14.08): 12 people died, 16 were injured with various degrees of injury.High-rise buildings, private houses, a city hospital, a kindergarten, a school, an art school, the Miners' Palace of Culture, the administrative buildings of JSC MGZK, the building of the city water supply company, the city council, the National Medical Center, a shop, a cafe, several gas pipelines and electricity networks were damaged.We hope that you will consider our appeal and that the necessary assistance will be provided. Currently, what is happening helps us all to be in unity and to show what is primary for everyone - humanity." The full text of the appeal is here.From Informator
Yevhen Yevtushenko published a photo of the consequences of daytime shelling of Nikopol - EN
Yevhen Yevtushenko published a photo of the consequences of daytime shelling of Nikopol - EN
Нікополь 2022-08-16 23:00:12
Your morning coffee and smile in America and Europe are behind the genocide in Ukraine. The enemy continues to attack Nikopol. On the afternoon of August 16, the Russian army fired 20 rockets and 10 artillery shells at Nikopol. Yevhen Yevtushenko, the head of the military administration of the Nikopol district, published a photo of the latest shelling.During the day, the invaders targeted the residential quarters of Nikopol with "Hrads" and barrel artillery. As a result of shelling, it is previously known that four people were injured. One of them is trained.Photo of the destruction of Nikopol by Russian terrorists on August 16:We remind you that Russian terrorists started shelling Nikopol from the territory of the occupied nuclear power plant during the day, so that foreign journalists could not get into Nikopol and show the facts of war crimes committed by Russian soldiers.From Informator
Terrorist attacks on the outskirts of Nikopol: Chervonogrigorivka is suffering - EN
Terrorist attacks on the outskirts of Nikopol: Chervonogrigorivka is suffering - EN
Нікопольський район 2022-08-17 14:43:18
Russian terrorists continue their shelling from the Nuclear Power Plant on the other side of the Dnipro River. The enemy shelled the territory of Chervonogrigorivka territorial community twice during the night.The army of the Russian Federation continues to fight with the civilian population of the Nikopol district. The territory of Chervonogrigorivska TG was shelled twice during the night. Yevhen Yevtushenko, head of the Nikopol district military administration, announced this.This time, the targets of the occupiers were the private houses of the residents of Chervonogrihorivka and an agricultural enterprise. It is known that 9 buildings, gas pipelines, power lines, grain warehouses, agricultural machinery and utility premises were damaged as a result of the shelling. Previously, there were no injured or dead.Earlier, Yevhen Yevtushenko addressed the residents of Nikopol regarding the security situation in the city. Also, in recent days, Russian terrorists shelled the city of Marganets, which is located in the Nikopol agglomeration.From Informator
Russian occupiers set fire to Nikopol: there were casualties, damage to power lines and gas pipelines - EN
Russian occupiers set fire to Nikopol: there were casualties, damage to power lines and gas pipelines - EN
Нікопольський район 2022-08-18 12:30:44
The enemy struck the Nikopol and Kryvorizky districts. 1 person is injured. There is destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure. This is reported by the Informator, referring to the press service of the main department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Dnipro region.The aggressor hit Nikopol twice. In total, he fired 15 shells from the barrel artillery. A 57-year-old woman was injured, she was hospitalized in a moderate condition. 15 residential buildings, a school, a shop, a church, several farm buildings and cars were mutilated. Damaged power lines and gas pipelines. Repairmen restore communications.The enemy shelled the Kryvyi Rih area with the Uragan MSV. The Apostolic community came under attack. There were no casualties or damage.We remind you that the Russians have seized a nuclear power plant on the other side of the Dnipro River and are using it as a military base. It should be noted that hundreds of journalists from dozens of countries have already visited Nikopol to show Russian terrorism against civilians in Nikopol.From Informator
In Nikopol, utility workers and volunteers eliminate the consequences of shelling - EN
In Nikopol, utility workers and volunteers eliminate the consequences of shelling - EN
Нікополь 2022-08-19 09:20:32
Is this still "war" or something more than the genocide of Ukraine? Communal workers of Nikopol eliminate the consequences of shelling and maintain cleanliness and order in the city. Power supply is being restored, garbage is being removed. This was reported by the press service of the Nikopol City Council, as reported by the Informator.Russian occupiers are shelling our city for the second month in a row. As a result, the number of damaged or completely destroyed houses of civilians is constantly increasing.Emergency crews and utility services promptly eliminate the consequences of enemy shelling. Power supply is being restored, garbage is being removed.Also, construction materials are allocated with funds from the local budget and what was damaged is restored. In addition to eliminating the consequences of artillery shelling, communal workers maintain order in our city so that people can live comfortably.From Informator
The enemy fired at Nikopol from the side of the village of Vodyanyi: the police records the consequences of the shelling
The enemy fired at Nikopol from the side of the village of Vodyanyi: the police records the consequences of the shelling
Нікопольський район 2022-08-21 13:00:13
During the past day, the enemy shelled the Nikopol district 5 times. The police continue to record further crimes of the Russian Federation against the civilian population. Damaged and destroyed houses, gas pipelines and power lines. This was reported by the referring to the press service of the Nikopol District Police Department.Tonight, August 21, the enemy shelled the communities of Nikopol, Marganetska and Myrivska from barrel artillery.The enemy fired at Nikopol from the side of the village of Vodiany. Both high-rise buildings and private houses, cars, farm buildings were damaged, and gas pipelines and power lines were damaged. As a result of the shelling, a fire broke out at one of the enterprises.Power lines were damaged in the Marganets community, and there were no casualties or damage. There is damage and destruction of private houses in Myrivska hromada. The final information is being clarified.Investigators and explosives technicians are working at the scene. The police record all war crimes of the Russian Federation, document every fact of Russian aggression. Based on the collected materials, investigators opened criminal proceedings under Art. 438 (violation of laws and customs of war).It was previously reported that a train connecting Ivano-Frankivsk — Kyiv will go through Nikopol and Marganets. A rare radar complex "Zooark-1" was destroyed in the Zaporizhzhia region.You can see another photo after the night shelling of Nikopol by terrorists from Russia at this link.From Informator
In Nikopol, the memory of law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty - EN
In Nikopol, the memory of law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty - EN
Нікопольський район 2022-08-22 16:13:09
Every year, on August 22, the All-Ukrainian Day of Commemoration of the Fallen Law Enforcement Officers is celebrated. In Nikopol, the memory of police officers who died in the line of duty was commemorated. The mass media also joined the event. See the photo report in the material.Today, at 10 a.m., Nikopol police officers, members of the veterans' organization, relatives of the victims and caring citizens gathered near the Memorial to the fallen law enforcement officers. They laid flowers, remembered and honored employees who gave their lives for the fight against crime, fulfilled their professional duty at the highest price - the price of their own lives.We remind you that the city of Nikopol is targeted by Russian terrorists. Russian occupiers shell the city every day from the territory of the nuclear power plant.From Informator
During the night, the occupiers attacked three districts of the Dnipro region: they fired from
During the night, the occupiers attacked three districts of the Dnipro region: they fired from "Hrad" and barrel artillery
Дніпровська область 2022-08-22 16:52:30
The 180th day of the full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine begins. Russian terror continues. During the night, the enemy shelled three districts of the Dnipro region. This was announced by the head of the Dnipro Regional Council, Mykola Lukashuk.On August 22, Nikopol was hit twice. Shots were fired from "Grad" and barrel artillery, about fifty shots were recorded. Four people were injured. There were several fires in the city. The occupiers destroyed 2 private houses and farm buildings.Three dozen private residential buildings, 12 five-story buildings, a courthouse, and a bus station were damaged by shelling. Also - kindergarten, pharmacy, market, grocery stores, cars, power lines.The night was also difficult in the Synelnyk district, which came under rocket fire. A school and a cultural center were destroyed there. An agricultural enterprise was hit in one of the communities, the exact information is currently being clarified.In the Kryvorizka district, the border territories of the Zelenodol community were shelled. No one was injured, there was no damage. Currently, all borders of the region are under the reliable protection of the Armed Forces.We remind you that Russian terrorists have seized the largest nuclear power plant in Europe and, hiding there, are shelling Nikopol and its surroundings every day. It is also important to inform that Ukraine has ratified the Istanbul Convention on Women's Rights and Gender Recognition.From Informator
At night, the enemy attacked Chervonogrihorivka, Marhanets and nearby villages - EN
At night, the enemy attacked Chervonogrihorivka, Marhanets and nearby villages - EN
Нікопольський район 2022-08-25 13:10:23
The army of the Russian Federation continues the nightly terror of the population of the Nikopol district. On August 23, the occupiers, using large-caliber artillery, fired three shots. Yevhen Yevtushenko, head of the Nikopol district military administration, announced this.The city of Marganets - three shots resulted in shrapnel injuries to two residents of the city. Six houses, farm buildings, water supply, and a car were damaged.Ten shots were fired on the territory of Marganetska TG, next to one of the settlements. There are no injured or dead. Three artillery volleys were fired at the village of Chervonogrihorivka. About ten houses, farm buildings, a car, and the power grid were damaged.We remind you that the city of Nikopol is being prepared for a possible nuclear threat due to the terrorist activities of the Russian invaders who seized the nuclear power plant.From Informator
Due to the threat of artillery fire, public transport was stopped in Nikopol - EN
Due to the threat of artillery fire, public transport was stopped in Nikopol - EN
Нікопольський район 2022-08-25 14:27:47
On August 23, it was officially announced that the movement of city transport was suspended. This is due to the daytime shelling of the city and its possible repetition. This was reported by the press service of the Nikopol City Council.In connection with the threat of shelling of the city of Nikopol, today, 08/23/2022, the city's public transport is suspending its work, the message says. For additional information, contact the dispatch service by phone: (099) 747-78-22.We will remind, from the head of the Dnipropetrovsk State Administration, Valentin Reznichenko, it became known that in the afternoon, the enemy directed three kamikaze drones and 20 shells from the "Grad" on Nikopol. Details here. After the daytime shelling, the mayor of Nikopol reminded the victims where to turn.We remind you that the Russian terrorists who seized the nuclear power plant continue to shell the Nikopol agglomeration. Civilians are suffering.From Informator
The enemy shelled Nikopol and the district from barrel artillery: the police record the consequences - EN
The enemy shelled Nikopol and the district from barrel artillery: the police record the consequences - EN
Нікопольський район 2022-08-25 16:59:48
The occupiers attack the settlements of the Nikopol district every day. Enemy troops shelled Nikopol, Marganets and the Chervonogrigorivsk community from barrel artillery. This became known from the press service of the National Police in the Dnipro region.During the day. On August 23, the enemy covered Nikopol with gun and rocket artillery fire. Destroyed and damaged private houses, apartments in high-rise buildings, summer cottages and cars were damaged.At night, the Nikopol district was attacked again several times. The occupiers shelled Marganets. Two private houses were completely destroyed, 10 houses suffered significant damage and destruction. Cars and power lines were also damaged. There are wounded.In addition, the enemy shelled the Chervonogrigoriv community with barrel artillery. A private house was destroyed, two outbuildings and a gas pipeline were damaged.The final information on destruction, damage and victims is being clarified. Bomb technicians and law enforcement officers are working at the scene of the events, documenting the consequences of the shelling.Based on this fact of Russian aggression against the civilian population of the Nikopol district, law enforcement officers opened criminal proceedings under Art. 438 (violation of the laws and customs of war) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.From Informator Ufufl We remind you that the Russian invaders are hiding behind the nuclear power units of the Zaporizhzhya NPP and are constantly shelling Nikopol and the agglomeration.
There was an attempt to shell Chervonogrigorivka and Marganets, - Yevtushenko - EN
There was an attempt to shell Chervonogrigorivka and Marganets, - Yevtushenko - EN
Нікопольський район 2022-08-25 22:19:36
The world should be aware of the daily terror inflicted by the Russians against the civilian residents of the Nikopol agglomeration. August 25 seemed difficult. There was an attempt to shell Chervonogrihorivska TG and the city of Marganets. During the day, there were provocations by the occupiers at the ZNPP and a missile threat. Yevhen Yevtushenko, the head of the Nikopol district military administration, wrote about it.For now, everything is as calm as it can be during a war. The situation at the ZNPP is under control. Although during the day, Russian hostile provocations around the captured nuclear power plant could lead to a real nuclear threat on the European continent and the extermination of Ukrainians living around the nuclear power plant."I ask the residents of the cities, villages and towns located on the banks of the Kakhovsky Reservoir to stay in bomb shelters or use the rule of two walls. I sincerely wish you a peaceful night, and cotton to the enemies!", - Yevtushenko emphasized.We remind you that the Russian occupiers do not give a single day of peace to the civilians around the captured nuclear power plant - the Russians make terrorist attacks on houses, schools and other buildings where ordinary people are.From Informator
Китайці атакували Нікополь та Дніпро
Китайці атакували Нікополь та Дніпро
Нікопольський район 2022-08-26 13:23:01
Нарешті ми знайшли китайських хакерів, які атакували нас тривалий час (Nikopol Today & DniproToday) і додавали зворотне посилання для наших веб-сайтів на один китайський х*є*овий сайт.І таким чином зруйнувати авторитет наших веб-сайтів. Китайських хакерів, що атакували нас тривалий час, знищено!Китайські зловмисники тривалий час тероризували наш сайт, через що він "лягав"Відзначимо, що китайські хакери атакували NikopolToday впродовж 2-х років, а з появою DniproToday зловмисники з Китаю накинулись і на новий проєкт. Причини атак досі залишаються невідомими. Китайці атакували сайти Нікополя та ДніпраДовгий час через зловмисну діяльність хакерів з КНР сайти Нікополь/Дніпро Сьогодні регулярно "лягали"Нагадуємо, що у Нікопол та районі через обстріли страждають собаки та коти, які через вороді атака опиняються у пастках. Також у Нікополі знайшли місцевого пса-Хатіко, який чекає на власника біля згарища і не хоче йти. 
Nikopol came under fire the most this night: details from rescuers - EN
Nikopol came under fire the most this night: details from rescuers - EN
Нікопольський район 2022-08-26 21:53:46
Barrel artillery, MLRS and rocket "arrivals": at night, the enemy covered three districts of Dnipro with fire. The aggressor shelled Dniprovshchyna with various weapons all night. The Nikopol district came under fire the most. This was reported by the press service of the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Dnipro region.Most of the shelling was in the Nikopol district. His enemy tested him 5 times. Nikopol was hit by barrel artillery. There, a school and sanatorium, 9 private houses and the same number of farm buildings were damaged. The power line was also affected. Up to a thousand people were left without electricity. Repairmen are currently working in the city of events.The enemy fired 10 shells from barrel artillery at Chervonogrigorivska hromada, and 5 shells from "Hrad" at Marganets. There was no destruction.Rocket "arrivals" in the Synelniky district. In one community, there is destruction at an agricultural enterprise. In the second - on the road. The premises with equipment caught fire there - the fire covered more than 1,000 square meters. He was restrained by 7 rescuers with the help of 1 unit of equipment. The flames have already been extinguished.In the Kryvorizka district, the enemy attacked the Zelenodol and Shirokiv communities. There is destruction. Everywhere passed without casualties.From Informator
A home, a factory, and power grids were mutilated: details from the rescuers of the Dnipro region - EN
A home, a factory, and power grids were mutilated: details from the rescuers of the Dnipro region - EN
Нікопольський район 2022-08-28 13:34:55
On August 28, four communities of the Dnipro Oblast came under fire. Housing, factory and power grids were mutilated. This became known from the press service of the main department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Dnipro region.At night, the enemy shelled 4 communities of Kryvorizky and Nikopol districts. He fought with "Hrads", "Hurricanes", barrel artillery. Residential buildings, a local factory, cars, and the power grid were damaged.In the Nikopol district, 3 communities came under fire - Nikopolska, Marganetska, and Chervonogrigorivska. In Nikopol, 5 residential buildings, 5 farm buildings, and a car were damaged. Broken power line. 1,500 families were left without electricity. Repair crews are already on site. A fire broke out in one of the yards. The fire was extinguished by 13 rescuers and 2 fire engines. People were not injured.In the Marganets community, the Russian occupying forces destroyed one house and damaged another 10 houses. The shops and warehouse of the local factory were mutilated. The power line was also affected. People, fortunately, survived.The enemy survived in the housing and in the Chervonogrigorivska community. The Zelenodol community of the Kryvorizka district was fired upon from "Hurricanes". The country estate and the enterprise are again under the crosshairs. Fortunately, people were not injured.From Informator
A vocal duet from Nikopol won a prize in the All-Ukrainian competition - EN
A vocal duet from Nikopol won a prize in the All-Ukrainian competition - EN
Україна 2022-08-28 20:33:10
To the Independence Day of Ukraine, the All-Ukrainian art competition "Chornobaiv Pranks" was held remotely. The vocal duo from Nikopol took an honorable second place in it.This is known from the Facebook social network. The message appeared on the page of the Nikopol municipal preschool institution No. 17 "Butterfly".In such a difficult time for our native city, for the entire country, it is very valuable to hear about such bright achievements of our compatriots. It was the duet "Malva" from Nikopol, which included such Ukrainian singers as Alla Brovko and Natalya Nadtocha, that took part in the competition. Having shown an unsurpassed result, two women from Nikopol took the 2nd place in the "Vocal Art" nomination.They sang the Ukrainian song "Oh, beautiful, I'm beautiful". You can watch their performance below.We remind you that the Nikopol agglomeration suffers daily from Russian terrorist attacks. The occupiers are threatening a nuclear explosion at the nuclear power plant if the Ukrainians do not stop resisting and "surrender" the city of Nikopol to the occupiers.From Informator
A boy was born in the basement of the maternity hospital in Nikopol - EN
A boy was born in the basement of the maternity hospital in Nikopol - EN
Нікополь 2022-08-29 12:56:56
Women in Nikopol give birth in basements because of Russian shelling. Childbirth is considered one of the most difficult periods in every woman's life. In addition, due to the daily shelling of the native city, births in Nikopol take place in rather difficult conditions. In these conditions, it is difficult not only for women in labor to adapt, but it is even more difficult for obstetricians to work.The enemy took away the carefree childhood of young Ukrainians, but cannot stop life. Yesterday, August 28, a baby was born in the Nikopol maternity hospital, in a specially equipped basement. The photo and video appeared on the Facebook social network. Lidia Bilyk, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the Nikopol Maternity Hospital, commented on the situation in the city on her page.The war, unfortunately, made its corrections. At this time, it is especially difficult for the doctors of the local maternity hospital and women in labor."Nikopol is my unconquered Nikopol. Who could have thought, who could have imagined, but...war. Alarms sound every day and every night. The peaceful population of the city has been attacked non-stop for several months in a row. I know and am sure that our boys will not let the Russian invaders rest and will do everything possible and impossible to protect our native city. Hold on guys, save our Nikopol. You are the best! And we will support you and defend our front. Everything will be Ukraine!" - Lydia Bilyk wrote on Facebook.We remind you that Ukrainian LGBT families are forced to hide themselves due to public condemnation.From Informator
In Marganets, explosives experts discovered fragments of a rocket that had not been detonated - EN
In Marganets, explosives experts discovered fragments of a rocket that had not been detonated - EN
Нікопольський район 2022-08-29 15:52:34
In Marhanec, explosives technicians are conducting survey and demining of the territory after regular enemy shelling. During the inspection of the garage cooperative, the police found the remains of a rocket that had not detonated and could explode at any moment. Ammunition was removed and will be disposed of in the future. This was reported in the press service of the Nikopol district police department.For a long time, residents of Nikopol region have been suffering from daily shelling by the occupiers. As a result of the war crimes of the Russian army, on August 27, private houses, farm buildings, power lines and water supply were destroyed in Marhanka.Law enforcement officers-explosive technicians constantly go to the places of "arrivals". For example, in a garage cooperative near Kyivska Street in the city of Margantsia, the police removed fragments of a rocket, some of which could detonate at any moment.The police once again appeals to citizens to be attentive and careful. Do not touch objects and things that have not been checked by specialists in advance. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.We remind you that women in Nikopol began to give birth to children in basements due to terrorist attacks by Russians.
The enemy hit the church and the children's library: details of the night attack on Nikopol and the district - EN
The enemy hit the church and the children's library: details of the night attack on Nikopol and the district - EN
Нікопольський район 2022-08-30 13:56:08
Russian occupiers shell Nikopol every day. All night, on August 30, the Russian army of occupation fought in Dnipro region. Nikopol, Kryvorizky and Dnipro districts are under fire. Residential buildings, shops, electricity grids and gas pipelines were damaged.A woman was injured in the Nikopol district. This became known from the press service of the main department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Dnipropetrovsk region. That night the enemy hit with "Hrads", heavy artillery and rockets.Night shelling in Nikopol damaged 21 buildings. These are shops, cafes, a church, a bus station and even a children's library. 2 power lines were cut. Repair teams have already fixed one. Work continues. Another 500 families are without electricity. Fortunately, people were not injured.The Russian army injured a 50-year-old woman in the Chervonogrigorivska community. Doctors assess her condition as satisfactory. She is being treated at home.A residential building was destroyed by the shelling. The fire was extinguished by 7 rescuers and 2 fire engines. 1 residential building was destroyed, up to 10 were damaged. 7 household buildings, an electrical network, and a gas pipeline were damaged.Missile strikes were carried out in the Kryvorizke and Dnipro districts. The circumstances are being clarified."And finally, about the quality of Russian weapons. During one of the shellings in the Nikopol district, the ammunition hit the fire station. It broke through the roof, mocked, flew into the street, but never broke. The ammunition was neutralized and thrown into the trash," - the rescuers added.We remind you that now women in Nikopol are forced to give birth in basements, and residents of the suburbs and agglomeration of cities on the Dnieper now live underground to survive Russian terrorist attacks.From Informator
Russia is deliberately shelling the corridors through which the IAEA mission is supposed to reach the nuclear power plant
Russia is deliberately shelling the corridors through which the IAEA mission is supposed to reach the nuclear power plant
Україна 2022-08-30 21:05:44
Russia is deliberately shelling the corridors through which the IAEA mission is supposed to reach the nuclear power plant. The occupiers are trying to force the mission to reach the nuclear power plant through Crimea/ORDLO. Mykhailo Podolyak, adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, wrote about this on his Twitter page.However, Ukraine's position remains unchanged. "Access to the station is only through the controlled territory of Ukraine. Demilitarization of nuclear power plants. Immediate withdrawal of Russian troops. There are only Ukrainian personnel at the station," - wrote PodolyakWe will remind that the IAEA mission has already arrived in Kyiv before the trip to the Zaporizhzhia NPP. Earlier it was written that yesterday, August 29, the occupiers were collecting signatures of people for the IAEA to accuse Ukrainians of shelling the nuclear power plant. It also became known where the wind will carry radiation in the next three days in the event of an accident at the ZNPP.
At night, the enemy attacked Nikopol and Marganets: residential buildings were damaged - EN
At night, the enemy attacked Nikopol and Marganets: residential buildings were damaged - EN
Нікопольський район 2022-09-04 12:21:14
The world should know what the Russians are doing with the Nikopol agglomeration. The 193rd day of a full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine began. Tonight, an alarm sounded three times in Dnipro Oblast. This was announced by the head of the Dnipro regional council, Mykola Lukashuk.On September 4, the enemy "Hrad" shelled the Nikopol district. Power lines, 5 residential buildings and several farm buildings were damaged. There was also a fire in the region, which has now been brought under control. There are no victims among the population.Russian occupiers shoot at civilian housesThere is also damage to a private house in Marganets. People, fortunately, were not injured. In other regions of the region, the night passed without emergency situations.
Russian invaders from
Russian invaders from "Grad" shelled Nikopol and the district: the church's Sunday school, the center of technical creativity, gas pipelines and power lines were damaged
Дніпровська область 2022-09-06 16:00:21
On the night of September 6, the occupiers shelled the Nikopol district twice. About 20 shells from Grady were recorded. Later, the enemy fired from barrel artillery. This was announced by the head of the Dnipro regional council, Mykola Lukashuk.As a result of the shelling, one private house and an outbuilding were completely destroyed. Two dozen apartment buildings and 11 private, 16 commercial buildings, 4 gas pipelines and power lines each, and 8 cars were damaged. And also — a transformer substation, a kindergarten, several lyceums, a church Sunday school, a center for technical creativity, a cafe and a sports club.There are also victims — a man and a woman. Now they are in the hospital. Also at night, the enemy shelled the Marganets community with "Hrads". 20 "arrivals" were recorded. There were no casualties. In other areas of the region, the night was quiet."Energoatom" fully controls the level of radiation at the Zaporizhzhia NPP. According to the main office of the State Emergency Service in the Dnipropetrovsk region, the radiation background has not been exceeded in our region. Earlier it was reported that an elderly woman died in Apostolovo due to enemy shelling.The Russian military covered Nikopol and the district with fire three times during the nightThree times during the night, the enemy covered Nikopol and the district with fire. Gatily in peaceful cities with RSZV. Yevhen Yevtushenko, the head of the Nikopol district military administration, announced this in an address.In Nikopol, a residential area was hit by rocket munitions. A kindergarten, a lyceum, a sports club, about 20 high-rise and 11 private buildings, cars, power lines were damaged.A man and a woman were injured, they were taken to the hospital with shrapnel wounds. In the Marganets community, the extent of damage is being clarified. Earlier it was reported that the Zaporizhzhya NPP was again completely disconnected from the energy system of Ukraine.
The Russian army covered the Nikopol district with heavy artillery: details from rescuers
The Russian army covered the Nikopol district with heavy artillery: details from rescuers
Дніпровська область 2022-09-09 15:07:08
Russian troops covered the Nikopol district with fire. On the night of September 9, they directed their heavy artillery at it. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Only buildings were destroyed. This was reported by the press service of the main department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Dnipro region.As a result of the shelling, summer cottages, farm buildings and enterprises were mutilated in the Nikopol district. Rescuers continue to survey the area. People were not affected.Earlier it was reported that in the sky over Kryvorizhye, the anti-aircraft defense destroyed a Russian missile. On September 9, in Nikopol, two fallen soldiers will be taken on their last journey.From Informator
During the night, Nikopol and the Marganets community were hit twice by heavy artillery
During the night, Nikopol and the Marganets community were hit twice by heavy artillery
Нікопольський район 2022-09-10 18:08:33
During the night of September 10, the enemy shelled the Marganets community and the city of Nikopol. The consequences are minimal, there are no victims. In other areas of the district, the dark time of the day passed without emergency situations. Yevhen Yevtushenko, the head of the Nikopol district military administration, wrote about it.The occupier set fire to the Nikopol district twice that night. People were not affected. Currently, there is no equipment and manpower of the occupiers on the territory of Nikopol and the district.We remind you that dead soldiers are buried in Nikopol almost every day. At the funerals of the defenders of Ukraine, hundreds of townspeople whom they saved from the Russian occupation see them off. From Informator
From the side of Energodar, Russian troops once again shelled Nikopol and the district
From the side of Energodar, Russian troops once again shelled Nikopol and the district
Нікополь 2022-09-13 22:57:45
The world must open its eyes to Russian terrorism. On September 13, at around 1:42 a.m., Russian troops from the Energodar side once again shelled Nikopol with MLRS and barrel artillery. The police are documenting the consequences of enemy shelling in our area.This was reported by the Informant, referring to the press service of the Nikopol district police department. Explosive technicians and investigative teams are working at the sites of the hits. Previously, as a result of shelling, no one was injured.More than 15 buildings were damaged, including private and high-rise buildings, farm buildings, and a gas pipeline. Also, during the night, the Marganets community came under enemy fire. The extent of the destruction is being ascertained. According to these facts, investigators opened criminal proceedings under Art. 438 (violation of the laws and customs of war) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.From Informator
20 houses, farm buildings and cars were damaged in Nikopol: terrible photos
20 houses, farm buildings and cars were damaged in Nikopol: terrible photos
Нікопольський район 2022-09-15 17:52:01
People lose homes and businesses every day. On the night of September 14, the Russian occupiers shelled Nikopol and the Marganets village of the territorial community. The scale of the destruction is being clarified. This was announced by the head of the Nikopol district military administration Yevhen Yevtushenko.Currently, it is known about 20 damaged houses, commercial buildings, cars, gas and electricity networks, which were hit by fragments of 152 mm shells. Relevant services eliminate the consequences. At the moment, there are no casualties.Russian fascists turn Nikopol into ruins every day:From Informator
The terrible face of war: footage from Ukraine that will go down in history
The terrible face of war: footage from Ukraine that will go down in history
Україна 2022-09-15 22:05:36
Today is March 24, a month since Russia declared war on Ukraine, calling it a "military operation." For a month now, their troops have been shelling Ukrainian cities, destroying entire residential areas, and killing civilians. But Russia will face large-scale opposition on all fronts — military, diplomatic, economic, and informational. No one greets the invaders with flowers, Ukrainians do not surrender and do not retreat. The footage of the atrocities of the Russian military is forever reflected not only in the memory of Ukrainians, but also in photographs. We made a selection of photos that illustrate the horrors of war.The maternity hospital and the children's hospital in Mariupol were shelled on March 9. Then three people died, including a child, 17 people were injured. One of the photos taken at the site of the shelling shows a pregnant woman lying on a stretcher. This footage was published by many world media. This pregnant woman in the photo did not survive, and neither did her baby.A Ukrainian soldier carries a child across a destroyed bridgeOn the morning of March 1, the Russian military launched a missile attack on Kharkiv's Central Square — Freedom Square, where the city's main administrative building is located.Consequences of a rocket attack on the center of Kharkiv / photo by Pavel DorogoyResidents of Irpen, which suffered large-scale airstrikes by Russian military aircraft, are leaving the destroyed city.Evacuation from IrpinAs a result of artillery shelling in the center of Kyiv, the "Okhmatdyt" children's hospital reported 1 dead child, and two children and two adults were injured.A boy on a swing in front of a damaged residential building that was hit by a rocket on February 25, 2022 in Kyiv.A boy on a swing in front of a destroyed house / photo by Chris McGrath / Getty ImagesSchool after rocket fire / photo Wolfgang Schwan / Anadolu Agency via Getty ImagesOn March 1, a high school building was damaged in Vasylkiv (Kyiv region) after Russian rocket fire.Life in the Kharkiv metro / photo by Pavel DorogoiPhotographer Pavlo Doroghy published pictures of the Kharkiv subway, which has turned into the city's largest bomb shelter. People take turns sleeping under a pile of blankets and have time to do their own things: read, do manicures, knit.A girl rescued dogs with disabilities from a broken Irpin / photo by Christopher OcchiconeA woman near Irpen (Kyiv region) is trying to rescue disabled dogs from a shelter and deliver them to a safe place.A destroyed kindergarten in ChernihivRussian troops shelled a kindergarten in Chernihiv. There was a fire in the building, the windows were broken and the walls were destroyed.On March 18, the Russian invaders attacked the barracks of the 79th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade in Mykolaiv. They did not have time to warn about the attack, because it took place from a very close distance from the territory of the Kherson region.Consequences of the attack on the barracks of the 79th Separate Assault Brigade in MykolaivIn fact, there are hundreds of such photos and, unfortunately, there may be even more of them. All of them convey the horror, pain and suffering of the Ukrainian people. Behind each of the photos there is a story - sad, tragic, heroic. Ukraine will never forget this war, aggression and terror of the people.From NikopolCity | Photo by Timothy Fadek
Хештег Save Nikopol  у дії: тепер можна купити мерч для підтримки Нікополя
Хештег Save Nikopol у дії: тепер можна купити мерч для підтримки Нікополя
Нікополь 2022-09-16 16:45:49
Роботи нікопольських художників та українських дизайнерів які пов'язані з Нікополем, стали основою принтів для спеціальної колекції #savenikopol. Благодійний проєкт на підтримку Нікополя організував «Нікополь туристичний», а виробничим партнером виступив Custom Print.В колекції є лонгсліви, худі, світшоти, сумки та футболки із зображеннями впізнаваних для кожного, хто хоча б раз побував в Нікополі локацій: Старої частини міста із пам’ятником Богдану Хмельницькому, пам’яток архітектури місцевого значення, місцевих пейзажів; також арт-малюнки українських дизайнерів та художників-графіків та портрети легендарного кошового отамана Запорозької Січі Івана Сірка.Вартість футболки стартує від 544 грн, худі з мерчем можна придбати від 1275 грн. Лонгсліви від 589, світшоти від 1125 грн. Екологічні сумки вартістю у 505 грн, кепки – 455 грн.У благодійному фонді «Нікополь туристичний» говорять, що увесь прибуток від проєкту буде спрямовано на допомогу нікопольцям, які постраждали від щоденних обстрілів російською армією, на зміцнення обороноздатності Нікополя і району та на сприяння партизанам окупованого російськими військами міста Енергодар.Свої принти надали 8 дизайнерів, а саме: Andriy Yermolenko, Alighieri Dante, Victor Storogenko, Ілля Шип, Наталія Захарова, Олександр Кріушин, Ruslan Rudoman, Oleksiy Kustovsky.Також було використано картини нікопольських художників, які вже не з нами: Павла Богуша, Миколи Червоткіна, Олександра Овчаренка, Марка Продана.Сайт проєкту Custom Print шукайте за цим посиланням. Джерело NikopolCity
The enemy fired more than 40 shots from
The enemy fired more than 40 shots from "Grad" and another dozen barrel artillery at Nikopol and the area
Нікопольський район 2022-09-16 17:06:15
The police are documenting the consequences of regular Russian shelling on the territory of the Nikopol district. The enemy was firing from "Hrads" and barrel artillery. Among the victims is a 58-year-old woman who refused hospitalization. This was reported by the press service of the National Police in the Dnipro region.On September 16, in Nikopol, as a result of shelling, seven objects of critical infrastructure were damaged, culturally — an entertainment center, a lyceum, two nurseries and kindergartens, a territorial social service center, two high-rise buildings, nine private houses, three farm buildings, water pipeline, gas pipeline, power lines.The Russian army shelled one of the villages of the Chervonogrigoriv community from the side of Energodar. Three apartment buildings, a shop-cafeteria, and a car were damaged and destroyed.In the Marganets Territorial Community, the open territory was shelled without casualties or destruction. The police inspects the sites of shelling, collects material evidence and records the consequences of the enemy attack by the occupation troops of the Russian Federation.New victims in Nikopol after Russian shellingSeptember 16, Friday. The night in Nikopol once again passed with alarms and shelling. One victim is known. Chervonogrigorivsk and Marganetsk communities were also shelled. This became known from the message of the operational Telegram channel of Nikopol.It is known beforehand about damage to 11 high-rise and private buildings, a lyceum, a kindergarten, a social service center, several businesses, gas pipelines and power lines. There were 4 fires that firefighters have already put out. Earlier, we reported on how the flooded area in Dnipro Oblast looks like after a rocket attack.The Russians fired with MSRW and barrel artilleryThe enemy struck more than 70 times during the night. Nikopol and Kryvorizky districts came under fire. A 58-year-old woman was injured. This was announced by the head of the Dnipro regional council, Mykola Lukashuk.In Nikopol, more than 40 "arrivals" from the Grad anti-aircraft missile system and a dozen more barrel artillery were recorded. The city was shelled three times during the night. As a result of the shelling, four fires broke out - a workshop, a residential building, an economic structure and a cultural and entertainment center burned. All fires have been extinguished.A lyceum, several enterprises, a kindergarten, a sports center, two multi-apartment residential buildings and 9 private ones, 3 commercial buildings, a gas pipeline, and power lines were damaged. A 58-year-old woman was injured and refused hospitalization.Two dozen shots from "Grad" took place overnight in Chervonogrigorivska hromada. There, 3 five-story buildings, a store and a car were destroyed. No victims. In the middle of the night, the occupiers also ransacked the Marganets community. There are no victims. The wreckage of a kamikaze drone, which the enemy used to attack Nikopol yesterday, was found. It turned out to be an Iranian Shahed-136 UAV. This is the second documented use of this device during a full-scale invasion.In the Kryvorizka district, the enemy shelled the outskirts of the Zelenodol community. No victims. In other areas of Dnipropetrovsk region, the night passed peacefully. The borders of the region are under the reliable protection of the Armed Forces. There is not a single occupier on our territory.From Informator
The enemy mercilessly raided Nikopol at night: 30 houses were damaged and 3 people were injured
The enemy mercilessly raided Nikopol at night: 30 houses were damaged and 3 people were injured
Нікопольський район 2022-09-18 21:04:36
The 207th day of the Russian Federation's full-scale military invasion of Ukraine has begun. Tonight, the Nikopol district came under enemy fire again. Thirty houses were destroyed, three people were injured. This was announced by the head of the Dnipro Regional Council, Mykola Lukashuk.Twenty "Hail" shells and almost a dozen shots from barrel artillery. The enemy mercilessly stalked Nikopol at night. Three people were injured — 82- and 26-year-old men and a 49-year-old woman. They were hospitalized with shrapnel wounds to their legs.As a result of shelling, a fire broke out on the territory of the market (three stalls were on fire), which has already been put out. The building of the regional state administration, a tire repair shop, several shops, a hairdresser and a kindergarten were damaged. There are also 25 high-rise buildings, 5 private residential buildings, 3 power lines, a gas pipeline and cars.The occupiers also fired barrel artillery at night in the Marganets community. There are no victims. In other districts, the night passed without extraordinary events. It should be noted that the radiation background is within normal limits.Yesterday, pyrotechnicians of the region destroyed the warhead of the "R-500" missile from the "Iskander" air defense system, which was found in the village of Khoroshevo of the Ilarionivka community. In the village Slobozhanske - anti-tank mine "TM-62", and in Kryvyi Rih - mortar mine "MM-120mm"."I emphasize once again, if you find shell fragments, immediately notify the police or the State Emergency Service," - Lukashuk added.By the way, an English-language version has appeared on our website - so please visit the English version of the website, where news for the whole world will now be published.From Informator
The evening and night in Nikopol passed with shelling: the morning address of the mayor Oleksandr Sayuk
The evening and night in Nikopol passed with shelling: the morning address of the mayor Oleksandr Sayuk
Нікопольський район 2022-09-21 22:37:55
September 17, Saturday. The evening and night in Nikopol were again in alarm, there were shelling. At the moment, it is known that there are no casualties or damage, the information is being clarified. Earlier it was reported that the ground defense brigade from Zaporizhzhia demonstrated the work of drones on the positions of the occupiers. This became known from the message of the operational Telegram channel of Nikopol. If you need help, contact the Nikopol city council call center: (0800) 504-105 - around the clock;(056) 669-60-61 (from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.);(056) 669-60-64 (from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.). Law enforcement officers published a photo of the consequences of shelling in Nikopol and the district The occupiers shelled the Nikopol district several times. Explosive technicians and law enforcement officers are working at the sites of the hits, documenting the consequences of the shelling. This was reported in the press service of the national police in the Dnipro region. On September 16, at 5:45 p.m., the enemy shelled the town of Marganets from the Zaporizhia region. As a result of the shelling, two people were injured and hospitalized. Three private houses were also damaged. On the night of September 17, the enemy shelled the village of the Marganets community. The lyceum building, three residential buildings, farm buildings, a car and power lines were damaged. The enemy fired two rounds of anti-aircraft fire at the city of Nikopol. Administrative buildings and workshops of two enterprises were damaged. The enemy also shelled the Myrivsk territorial community. Five private houses and an agricultural enterprise were damaged. According to the facts of Russian aggression against the civilian population, law enforcement officers opened criminal proceedings under part 2 of Article 438 (violation of the laws and customs of war) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. From Informator
The enemy
The enemy "congratulated" Nikopol on City Day, leaving 8,000 families without electricity
Нікополь 2022-09-28 16:30:21
The night of September 28 passed with alarms and shelling. Currently, it is known about damage to about 20 private houses and structures, power lines. Specialists are already working on restoring the light. There were fires, they have already been extinguished. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but the information is still being clarified. This became known from the announcement of the mayor of Nikopol Oleksandr Sayuk. Today, September 28, is Nikopol City Day. Unfortunately, we cannot celebrate it, but a peaceful time will come and we will definitely do it, the mayor writes. He congratulated all residents of Nikopol on the Day of our city! The infrastructure of the city is working, utilities are working. Be careful, follow the official channels in Telegram/Viber, do not ignore the sirens. If you need help, contact the information center of the Nikopol City Council: 0 (800) 50-41-05 - around the clock;(056) 669-60-61 (from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.);(056) 669-60-64 (from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.). "I want to wish you a good day. Let's hold on, we are together! Everything will be Ukraine!", - writes Oleksandr Sayuk. In Nikopol, two fires broke out in private houses due to shelling At night, September 28, the enemy targeted Nikopol and the Marganets community. Gativ from barrel artillery and "Gradiv". Lyceum and residential buildings were damaged. This was reported by the press service of the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Dnipro region. There were two fires in private houses in Nikopol. Firefighters extinguished the fire. Lyceum, a five-story building and 12 private homes were mutilated. 7 outbuildings were damaged, one was destroyed. A public transport stop and a car, gas pumps and several power lines were damaged. Almost 8 thousand families were left without electricity. Power engineers have already connected 2,000 of them and continue their work. In the Marganets community, the consequences of the shelling are still being clarified. Rescuers and police are examining the area. There were no casualties everywhere. From Informator
SaveNikopol Допоміг 12-річному Ромі Білому
SaveNikopol Допоміг 12-річному Ромі Білому
Нікополь 2022-11-04 22:55:06
Благодійний фонд "Нікополь туристичний" в рамках проекту SAVENIKOPOL продовжує допомогати нікопольцям, що постраждали від обстрілів.  Сьогодні це Рома Білий, ми відправили його матері на картку 2799 грн., що були виручені як прибуток від продажу мерчу про Нікополь на нашому сайті https://savenikopol.customprint.market  Ще на початку серпня 12-річний Рома Білий разом з родиною тимчасово переїхав до одного з сіл Нікопольського району, адже їх багатоповерховий будинок у Нікополі двічі зазнавав артобстрілів від російського агресора. 18 жовтня через вибух офіційно невстановленого предмета Рома, за висновком лікарів, отримав важкі мінно-вибухові травми. Його рідний дядько 38-річний Сергій Каряка, загинув на місці. В той день вони були разом. Рома в реанімації. У нього множинні осколкові ураження, забій легень, опіки та гематома на очах. Опіків шкіри також зазнали руки та ноги. Була проведена операція по видаленню уламка з черевної порожнини. «Інколи син говорить, а коли важко відповідати – моргає», - розповідає мама хлопчика. Наразі хлопець забезпечений ліками, але процес реабілітації та подальшого відновлення буде тривалим та коштовним. Пані Тетяна сподівається, що їм допоможуть українські благодійні фонди. Нагадаємо, SAVENIKOPOL напередодні вже допомогав юній нікопольчанці Кароліні, яка лишилася без ніг в результаті обстрілу Нікополя.  Дякуємо благодійникам! Допомогти - легко!  Обирай свій принт із тридцяти варіантів тут https://savenikopol.customprint.market і замовляй футболку, худі, світшот, лонгслів, кепку, фартук, чашку. Прибуток від продажу буде направлений на допомогу нікопольцям, що постраждали від обстрілів; на допомогу ЗСУ; партизанам Енергодару.  P.S. Детальніше про історію Роми ви можете прочитати тут - https://nikopol.city/articles/244705/12-richnij-roma-bilij-z-nikopolya-postrazhdav-vid-vibuhu-i-potrebue-finansovoi-pidtrimki  
Гра Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals є у Steam
Гра Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals є у Steam
Світ 2023-01-07 03:12:48
Заощаджуйте 80% на грі Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals у Steam. Цікава атмосферна гра про Нікополь. Що відомо про цю гру та франшизу? Nikopol — антиутопічна науково-фантастична пригодницька гра від першої особи. У 2023 році Європою править релігійна диктатура залізного кулака. Таємничий корабель-піраміда раптово приземляється в Нікополі.  Про що гра Нікополь? Країною керує злісний диктатор. Загадковий іншопланетний корабель у формі піраміди зненацька з'являється в небі й посилає своїх представників, щоб поговорити з урядом. У ролі Нікополя, ви опинитеся у напруженій пригоді і будете змушені знайти свого батька та зірвати небезпечну змову. Заплутавшись у політичних інтригах, ви спіймані між двома світами: анархією та безсмертям. Франшиза Нікополь у Європі відома вже багато десятеліть та дала натхнення для створення такого фантастичного жанру літератури та кіно, як кіберпанк. Кажуть, що без історії про Нікополь не було бтакож і знято такі вже культові стрічки, як "Той, що біжить по лезу" та інші.  А французька "Трилогія Нікополь", до слова - досі залишається класичною для читачів європейських графічних романів.
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