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Всі публікації з тегом Dnipro

Підтримай Свободу слова та Українізацію
Підтримай Свободу слова та Українізацію
Україна 2022-07-03 13:12:52
NikopolToday та DniproToday - це незалежні медіа-портали, які не є ЗМІ. Ми підтримуємо свободу слова, права людини, тварин, блогерів, важливість екологічних реформ і також українізацію та культуру. Ми не є розповсюджувачами жодної ідеології, політичної ідеї або релігійної течії. Кожен має право на волю думок та різноманітність. Гроші, які ми отримуємо від реклами - йдуть на функціонування сайтів. Оплату доменів та хостингу.  Проєктом займаються активісти та волонтери. Нас не фінансують олігархи, політики, бізнес чи інші зацікавлені особи. Тому якщо Вам подобається наша візія і Ви хочете допомогти у розвитку - будемо раді вашій дотації. Посилання на Банку: https://send.monobank.ua/jar/47W9Qm75Vz Прямий благодійний внесок на картку Банки: 5375 4112 0211 5585
During the night, the occupiers attacked three districts of the Dnipro region: they fired from
During the night, the occupiers attacked three districts of the Dnipro region: they fired from "Hrad" and barrel artillery
Дніпровська область 2022-08-22 16:52:30
The 180th day of the full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine begins. Russian terror continues. During the night, the enemy shelled three districts of the Dnipro region. This was announced by the head of the Dnipro Regional Council, Mykola Lukashuk.On August 22, Nikopol was hit twice. Shots were fired from "Grad" and barrel artillery, about fifty shots were recorded. Four people were injured. There were several fires in the city. The occupiers destroyed 2 private houses and farm buildings.Three dozen private residential buildings, 12 five-story buildings, a courthouse, and a bus station were damaged by shelling. Also - kindergarten, pharmacy, market, grocery stores, cars, power lines.The night was also difficult in the Synelnyk district, which came under rocket fire. A school and a cultural center were destroyed there. An agricultural enterprise was hit in one of the communities, the exact information is currently being clarified.In the Kryvorizka district, the border territories of the Zelenodol community were shelled. No one was injured, there was no damage. Currently, all borders of the region are under the reliable protection of the Armed Forces.We remind you that Russian terrorists have seized the largest nuclear power plant in Europe and, hiding there, are shelling Nikopol and its surroundings every day. It is also important to inform that Ukraine has ratified the Istanbul Convention on Women's Rights and Gender Recognition.From Informator
A home, a factory, and power grids were mutilated: details from the rescuers of the Dnipro region - EN
A home, a factory, and power grids were mutilated: details from the rescuers of the Dnipro region - EN
Нікопольський район 2022-08-28 13:34:55
On August 28, four communities of the Dnipro Oblast came under fire. Housing, factory and power grids were mutilated. This became known from the press service of the main department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Dnipro region.At night, the enemy shelled 4 communities of Kryvorizky and Nikopol districts. He fought with "Hrads", "Hurricanes", barrel artillery. Residential buildings, a local factory, cars, and the power grid were damaged.In the Nikopol district, 3 communities came under fire - Nikopolska, Marganetska, and Chervonogrigorivska. In Nikopol, 5 residential buildings, 5 farm buildings, and a car were damaged. Broken power line. 1,500 families were left without electricity. Repair crews are already on site. A fire broke out in one of the yards. The fire was extinguished by 13 rescuers and 2 fire engines. People were not injured.In the Marganets community, the Russian occupying forces destroyed one house and damaged another 10 houses. The shops and warehouse of the local factory were mutilated. The power line was also affected. People, fortunately, survived.The enemy survived in the housing and in the Chervonogrigorivska community. The Zelenodol community of the Kryvorizka district was fired upon from "Hurricanes". The country estate and the enterprise are again under the crosshairs. Fortunately, people were not injured.From Informator
Rocket and artillery fire in the Dnipro region: an investigation has been launched
Rocket and artillery fire in the Dnipro region: an investigation has been launched
Дніпровська область 2022-09-11 18:18:10
On the night of September 11, 2022, military personnel of the aggressor country launched a missile attack on the central part of the Dnipro. The occupiers also shelled the residential quarters of Nikopol with artillery.This was reported in the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine. Under the procedural leadership of the Dnipro Oblast and Nikopol District Prosecutor's Offices, pre-trial investigations are carried out in criminal proceedings based on the fact of violation of the laws and customs of war (part 1 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).As a result of a missile attack on the Dnipro River, the building of the shopping center was completely destroyed, residential buildings, administrative buildings, a market, shops, warehouses, and cars were damaged.As a result of the attack on Nikopol, three people were injured. Houses, educational institutions, post offices, hospitals, commercial buildings, infrastructure of industrial enterprises, warehouses, cars, gas pipelines, power lines were also damaged.You can read more about the shelling of Nikopol at this link in English.
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