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-Face to face- | Rayan Riener

, 23:45, 02.01.2023
Estimated reading time: 1 minutes 173

My bare wire is already drawing a knot around its own neck. Where there was a light of hope - people drowned,

-Face to face-
AliExpress WW


-Face to face-


My bare wire is already drawing a knot around its own neck.

Where there was a light of hope - people drowned,


in the blood, insidiously, treacherously enjoying the pain.

Laughing, briskly throwing firewood into the flames,


where the witch was burned, depicting the betrayal of the innocent.

With dirty hands, sharp claws, with saliva;

they rejoiced... so that the light and mercy did not cloud their eyes.


P. S. Face to face with caged monsters are closed.

Where the best die, and the guilty rule.


Rayan Riener