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About the story-collection of Samukomori, Rayan Riener

, 23:21, 25.02.2023
Estimated reading time: 1 minutes 195

The stories are created so as to encourage reflection and emotions, with unexpected plot twists.

About the story-collection of Samukomori, Rayan Riener
AliExpress WW

Samukomori is a collection of dozens of stories written by Ryan Rineer. Stories are a mixture of horror based on social injustice, fantasy tales and science fiction, exploring topics such as: love, loss, discrimination and human condition in extraordinary circumstances.

Each story in the collection is unique and varies from fairy tales about forests with ghosts and fairy-tale stones to scientific and fiction stories about the worlds of cyberpunk and post-apocalypse. The stories are created so as to encourage reflection and emotions, with unexpected plot twists.

Samukomori is actually three Ukrainian words: "Self"/"in"/"pantry" (in the pantry), which combines, sounds like something from Japanese folklore for a foreign reader. At the same time, oddly enough, the word `komori` really is in Japanese and therefore the same as in the Ukrainian - a camera or ward, almost the same as the "pantry".

Side, the collection of stories by #RayanRiener called "Samukomori" partially draws the inspiration of this Japanese folklore and culture, but this does not affect other stories in the collection. If you are interested in learning more, I suggest you look at a book description and reviews on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Samukomori-Rayan-Riener-ebook/dp/B07MNGM6D5/ref=sr_1_7?qid=1677357616&refinements=p_27%3ARayan+Riener&s=books&sr=1-7&text=Rayan+Riener